I saved Latin. What did you ever do?

Well our life has been pretty busy and exciting over the last several months. Zach has been growing at the rate of a zombie outbreak and we catch him doing something new every day. Kelly had February off of school so she was able to get in some good play-time with Zach's Christmas toys (and Zach...our son) before she had to go back to her class in March. Since then it's been back to Gi-gi's and Nonie's houses during the week (where he learns things like how to ask for a cookie or cake) with Daddy working from home on Wednesdays where we gossip together like hens trying to figure out whether or not there are sparks between Handy Manny and Kelly the tool girl.

Since we realized that we never have anything to do and are constantly sitting around the house getting nothing done with no real responsibilities, we got another dog during the Christmas break. His name is Butters and he is a puppy.

Here's Butters on the right...the right of the screen, not their right....they are both the same size so it's hard to explain....he's the one that's a dog.

Also, since raising a puppy and a toddler simultaneously is apparently "no big deal" to mother nature, it snowed too.
Fortunately, Zach's sense of fashion was prepared for mother nature.

It's been raining a lot....I'm thinking about building an ark. The rain makes it not so fun for Zach who likes to play outside and not so fun for daddy either who now spends 2 hours bathing the dogs after long days in the rain and muddy yard/garden digging. Zach loves the dogs though and he's really good at telling them what to do, ie. "go potty toka-buyas" or "night night toka-buyas" (by the way, "Toka-Buyus" is Zach's amalgamation of "Token and Butters"...he's really good at consolidating sentences so that he doesn't have to say complete words or phrases but just a slur of nonsense that others are expected to understand...kind of like when I ask Kelly to get me dessert).

Speaking of Zach talking, he's on a roll with learning new words. He mostly repeats things he hears which means that his favorite things to say are "I said no!" "no touching" "don't bite your friends" "mommy's drawer, no touch" etc. He's pretty good about saying "Please" and "Thank you" at the right times (whether or not he actually understands why he's saying it) and he knows what to say in special situations; like in the morning when I wake him up he usually doesn't say good morning to me like I do to him but instead "mommy at wok?" or when we are ready to leave in the morning I say "let's go Zach" and he responds with "Daddy's new car yeah!" His favorite thing to say is "bye bye, see ya layer" and he will interject nouns between the bye bye ie. "bye bye big truck" or "bye bye daddy-o"

I guess we thought putting it in black and white would give it some kind of Wonder Years feel....maybe I should speed it up 20% and put some Byrds music in the background.

As for his walking and moving around, he's constantly getting better on his feet. He still trips and falls all the time but he can walk up big stairs now and keep his balance better than he used to. He goes to Gymboree with daddy-o on Wednesdays now and he loves to play there. He's like a dog at a dog park with too many toys around....he can't figure out what he wants to play with first, so he usually ends up spinning in circles smiling...and drooling. Gymboree is fun too because he gets to play with other kids (although I wouldn't consider what they are doing "playing" as much as accidental interaction). He loves watching Yo Gabba Gabba too when we are at home (Kelly records every episode causing frequent non-recordings of my scheduled important programming like Top Gear and Star Trek reruns) He can sing many of the songs by himself and a lot more when he's listening along to the CD in the car. He loves the dancing parts...


My beats aren't as solid as Biz Markie, but I think Zach still feels the flo

Our life is constantly full of new adventures. Zach is growing up, Butters is growing up, Kelly is growing up (just turned 30th) and yet somehow Peter retains that wondrous sense of youth and exuberance that has always followed him throughout his life, facing each new challenge with a thirst for adventure and a longing to strive for even more than he already is, each lofty goal accomplished and each uncharted path taken becoming yet another victory in his awe-inspiring life...he truly is a king among men. (Zach wrote that last paragraph...now back to the original author) Zach likes food:

He loves to dip things...in fact he will dip any type of food or object in any other type of food with less viscous properties. Some of his favorites include dipping hot dogs in ketchup, dipping raisin bread in milk, and dipping straws in ranch dressing (as pictured above).

He is constantly searching for new things to get into new words and sentences to impress us with and new shirts to soil with his drippings and drool. The most important thing is that it seems as if he is having fun growing into a little boy. We don't want our little dude to grow up, but at the same time, we are really excited to see him grow and mature into a person of his own.

If you are wondering if this is more or less abusive than it appears how dare you? Zach started screaming "Attica" and it got a little out of control...I had to use excessive force.

Here's a final video taken today (which means that Zach is 20 months old) with an attempt on singing the alphabet song. He gives us the silent treatment when he knows the camera is on so sometimes we have to hide it so that he isn't afraid to cut loose:

"...Now I know my ABC's, de de be de, E, F, G." - Zach

Fun Facts:
  • Zach had his first big cold and was on two separate anti-biotic prescriptions recently. He's always a real trooper though and never complains except when we clean out his nose..."bye bye booga, see ya laya"
  • We read books every night before bed. His current favs include Zachary’s Zoo, Goodnight Moon, Heaven is Having You, Cool Dog School Dog, The Cranky Bear, and Peter Pan each of which he requests by name.
  • His favorite foods are yogurt, edamame, rice and watermelon and his least favorites are anything besides his favorites. 
  • Favorite TV Shows: Yo Gabba Gabba, Wonder Pets, Handy Manny, Jacks Big Music Show, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and The Wire.
  • Zach can say 100+ words now.

This is heavy

As I look back on this blog in 20 years (assuming that in 20 years I have been wise enough to back up this content which is about a 50/50 chance in my estimate) will I be mad at myself for missing three months of blogging? Or will I be confused and think that maybe there was some mistake with Google Blogger in the dating of these blogs? I bet you would guess the first one...you'd be wrong though. I won't even notice. I'm way to lazy to notice something like that. (Note to self: edit out this paragraph before archiving)

Anyway, the last few months came and went. Days are getting shorter, but Zach is getting larger. Back in September we all made the trip back to NC for Penny and Matt's wedding. The plane ride out was [expletive deleted] interesting. He was actually very well behaved. We were completely ready with Yo Gabba DVDs, food, toys and the thing that ended up taking up the most amount of his time was an empty plastic Sparkletts water bottle. No major incidents on the plane other than some small yells of discomfort so we were very happy. The wedding was great and it was great to see all the family on the East coast and for them to be able to see Zach. He was walking well (not quite well enough to prevent a fall and bump on the head requiring a trip to urgent care) and he even danced at the wedding with Remy.

All I do is Party, ha ha ha ha, so bounce low.

The wedding was really nice and my parents took Zach back to the hotel so that Kelly and I could stay and dance the night away. The plane trip back was pretty much just as uneventful except for the part where I messed up on the seating so that we weren't going to be able to sit all together. Fortunately, a really nice guy switched with me (for which I owe Karma a huge debt) and we had a relatively peaceful flight home.

Kelly got us matching ties....so cool

Kelly went off track at the end of October so she's been spending more time with the dude at home, the mall, the park, Molly's, etc. Although she's mad because even though she's the one that greets him every morning (now that I can sleep a little longer) the first thing he does is ask for Daddy. What can I say? The kid loves me...

They have been traveling a lot this last month around town visiting the grandparents, friends and other fun places. His favorite/only friend is Molly.

"Molly, I'm not sure if the centrifugal force will permit the ball to remain within the confines of this vortex."

After the busy election season, Kelly surprised me and Zach (but Zach doesn't really count because everything surprises him) with a fun weekend trip to Santa Barbara. We went to the Zoo and stayed the night (not in the Zoo) then walked the pier the next day.

The missing link

Zach and dad lookin at Magilla

It happened to be Veterans Day weekend, so we got lucky enough to see the Parade right by the Pier. We saw some cool airplanes fly over and Zach got a flag and a cool picture:

Patriotism swells in the heart of Zach

Zach has been very active recently. He's walking/running of course but he's talking a lot too. Most of the words he says are unintelligible but Kelly can translate some of them. We have him saying "Please" when he wants something and that has translated into him yelling "Hel-peas!" (Help please) continuously when he needs something done like removing the safety gate from the top of the stairs, or unscrewing the life threateningly small cap from a wattle bottle. He definitely knows mommy/mama and daddy although Daddy has now progressed to "Daddyo" We think it's due to Kelly asking him if Daddy is home when I'm at work. i.e. "Is Daddy home?" = my name is now "Daddy0." He's also really good at saying "more" and "all done" when he means it. The animal noises are pretty good too now with new animals being added to his repertoire all the time, except that he probably thinks a sheep is a "bah." What is pretty exciting is that he really understands a lot more than he can say. That being the case, we can tell him to do things and he knows what we mean (i.e. "time for night-night?" or "bath?" and "let's go to the car", or "put your toys away please") There are a ton of other key phrases that he understands and it's cool when he learns new things to say or do...although we are not happy that he has learned how to say "no" and uses it liberally when he does something he is not supposed to do (like when he tries to turn the burners on the stove and says "no-no!" or when he grabs the remote and explains to Kelly "Daddy; no-no" as in "this is daddy's and it's a no-no")

Tier two on the food pyramid: Corn dog

He is also eating pretty much everything we eat. The only thing he still hasn't tried is peanut butter which apparently we are supposed to withhold from him until 2 years. He is really good at dipping things like chips into guacamole or fries into ketchup...or fries into milk, or anything into anything. Except he enjoys the dip so much that he usually licks it off the item being dipped and goes back for double, triple and quadruple dips frequently. He tries to practice with a spoon too. It's coming slowly. Right now it's hard to get the spoon to scoop; he thinks it's more like a dipping motion. We have noticed that he prefers his left hand for eating, so Kelly thinks he'll be left handed. I think he just uses whatever hand is closer to what he wants.

We have also noticed that he's getting more into television. He always has loved Yo Gabba Gabba and other musically driven stuff but he's starting to be more interested in Sesame Street and other cartoons. We are really trying to make sure that it doesn't become a baby sitter by limiting his watching and being sure that we are there when he is watching; however this translates to us memorizing every song and singing them often when Zach is not around.

Just a minute dad, I've only seen this Phineus and Ferb 18 times.

Well I guess that's enough catch-up for now. I'll leave with a kissing shot and a video of rainy day Zach.

Ah mom, right on the lips?

Since dad didn't do the yard work because of a little rain, Zach took it upon himself.

Fun Facts:
  • Zach can tell us what he wants to hear in the car by telling us "Holy?" (Praise Baby), "Goodbye?" (Yo Gabba) or sometimes he just makes crazy noises when he's tired.
  • He can "jump" which really looks like running in place in a really spazzed-out way.
  • He can almost climb into the bath by himself. He gets most of the way, but does realize he has to flip his legs over....that's going to be a fun trick for us. (Sarcasm)
  • Zach is now 16 months old.

Five foot one and conqueror of Italy, not bad huh?

Here's a quick video using Qik...I'm trying it out because it came with my phone. If only I could upload a video without having to reach my phone out of my pocket. When oh when will technology catch up with fantasy!?

This one goes to eleven

Well, Zach's birthday came and went faster than Lindsay Lohan's prison stay and the time just keeps on flying by. He had a great first birthday...we assume. I'm sure someday he will look back at the massive amount of people who showed up, and/or wished him a "Happy Birthday," got him a fun present, told him he was the cutest and wished the whole family well, and he will remember none of it. That's ok though. At least we had fun, and we learned a valuable lesson: don't have huge parties for a one-year-old.

Zach and his friends.....what? 1-year-olds can't have friends 30 times their age?

Zach, family and an obliterated cupcake....I mean he mutilated that thing...it spun in....there were no survivors.

Speaking of gifts, Zach brought home the mother-load...(technically, I brought home the mother-load while Zach slept in the back of the car and spilled raisins all over the back seat) but either way, they are his presents and he is having a blast with them! He loved everything he got (even the clothes) and he's been using all of his stuff a lot more lately. It makes us feel a little more validated when we see the mountains of toys in the living room actually being used finally. Most of that is due to his mobility. He's walking around now like Arthur Bach on a bender, but he's getting better. Amazingly, whereas just a few weeks ago on his birthday he was just barely taking a few steps, he's now walking around the entire house with only a few falls here and there. It's a good thing we splurge on his extra padded diapers.

Here's a picture of him playing with his Dino-walker toy that he got from Nonie and Papa:

Excuse me ladies, I didn't find the time to put on any pants.

And here's a video of him walking. (Mind you, this was taken last week, so in baby time a week is like a thousand years of improvement....as I write this, he's taking Token on a walk around the neighborhood)

He's been doing a lot of other cool stuff over the last several weeks. He's talking a lot more and making a little more sense. The ratio of sounds coming out of his mouth to words is widening, but I feel like that will begin to shrink eventually. He makes the Tiger sound "Grrrr" and he is very good and pointing things out when we ask "where is the fan?, where is the light?, where is the ceiling, where is the sky"....see the pattern? He can also point out the Red Balloon in Goodnight Moon (ironically enough, he can't quite find the actual moon yet) and he knows several household items by name such as "Dog, ball, blankie, book, stairs" along with all the other aforementioned items, and some others that I probably am not remembering right now.

Here's a quickie of him showing love to his most valuable item on Earth:

Zach is definitely going through a lot of growth (mentally) right now. It seems like he's learning more and more each day. For instance: it's extremely funny to watch Mama's terrifyingly shocked reaction when he reaches up to turn on the burner to the stove. Kelly is off this month (and going back to work next week and none to excited about having to leave Zach again) but they did a ton of fun stuff: multiple trips to the beach, visits to the grandparents and great-grandparents, music class, and a ton of swim-time. So I think Zach has had a pretty good 12th month...in fact, I think he's had a pretty good first year. Let's bring on number two! Speaking of number two..........(I'm talking about Zach, not me...you're gross)

Since I'm in the video mood today, here's ONE more of him playing catch with Token...I swear most of the force in his throw comes from him, not me......*cough

Fun Facts:
  • Zach now pinches as a sign of what we imagine is love when we pick him up...it's great.
  • He picks out his own bed-time book....Suuuper cuuuuuutteee!
  • He's getting more independent in his walking and what-not, but interestingly, also getting a lot more of the separation anxiety when we start to walk away.

My friends call me Lenny... only I ain't got no friends

Time is not on my side...the Rolling Stones lied. In fact, time is racing away so fast that I'm forgetting to take care of the really important things in life; like updating my Netflix queue...I accidentally let "When in Rome" make it to the top of the list. It was not a great weekend. Also, there's other stuff like updating my blog. Although, there's not too much new stuff to report since Kelly updates her Facebook profile with new pictures of Zach like twice a second.

Zach is playing, laughing and growing more and more each day. Let's go down the list:

  • Crawling - check
  • Saying Mama/Dada - check
  • Trying to get into things that will most definitely kill him - double check

Kelly and I are trying to decide if this is a difficult stage. Since we don't have any kids (at least legitimate) to compare to, we're not sure if this is the hard time or not. He's crawling really fast and "Cruising" too and he really likes to open and close cabinets. Of course, the child locks are all in place (which is a common cause of frustration for us more so than him) but he still loves to find all the little areas that daddy neglected to child-proof. It's tough now because he used to just sit there like a sack of super cute potatoes, whereas now he will pretty much not sit still longer than two tenths of a second.

Since Kelly is in "teacher mode" Zach hasn't been on too many exotic outings recently, but he hates being pent up in the house all day so we take him out from time to time. Today was his [only] friend Molly's second birthday party (last year we went to Molly's first party on Zach's due date). He was in the baby zone, as he was surrounded by kids, which is pretty much his favorite thing in the world.

Molly, you are literally my best friend right now.

Zach also went to the beach last month with us for the first time. We were going to go to the lake but he said something like "been there, done that" and ran off, so we took him to Malibu, where the city welcomed me by having a guy cut me off on Kanan, then flip me the bird, and then giving me a ticket for expired registration. Oh! Also, we went in the ocean.

Like Lewis and Clark stepping into the Pacific..except fewer bear attacks.

It's summer time in the SCV so we have been heading down to Nonie and Papa's to swim a couple times. Zach loves the pool and would also like to drink the pool but for some reason, his mom and dad don't let him. While I was in N.C. for Heidi and Matt's wedding, Kelly and Zach went to Christine and Rick's to celebrate the 4th of July.

Zach told Katie not to worry and that he could hold her up in the deep end if she got scared

Back in June, we took Zach out to dinner, and have a couple times since then. He has a really cool folding booster seat that we got from Scott and Hadar. It's come in really handy. Zach is very well-behaved when we are eating out as long as the Cheerios keep flowing.

We only take him to the the finest restaurants and eateries....Chili's is a fine dining experience, right? Also, that's the same shirt I wore when Zach was born.

Well I guess when I said that Zach hasn't been doing much earlier I lied, because I'm getting a little tired of typing at this point. Although, I did want to mention that Zach went to his first Dodger game....and they WON!?! He had a great time keeping mama busy while dada watched the game.

Just because he's playing peek-a-boo with Katie during this picture doesn't mean he didn't enjoy the game.

I'll wrap this up now since I'm getting hungry, and my desire for chips and salsa is apparently much more important than the documentation of my child's life. I'll end with a quick video of Zach laughing and Kelly acting crazy:

Fun Facts:
  • I'm on twitter now @Froflix which I use mostly to post quick pictures of Zach and wait for William to post pictures with funny sayings.
  • Zach is getting really close to talking now; he's doing that jibba-jabba stuff. Kelly says that he's saying "dog" "door" "dad" etc, but I'm pretty sure he's just saying "duh" when he points to that stuff.
  • Here's his actual vocabulary since Kelly got mad at me for the above point: door = "da", ball = "ba", dog = "da" (similar to door, but pointing at a dog), dada, mama, bye = "buh"
  • Zach points at stuff that is interesting and can gesture for us to do stuff he wants....I wish I could point at stuff and have Kelly get it for me...like Doritos and Xbox controllers